About This Blog

Ed's blog 소개 페이지: 아이들을 위한 노트 정리 블로그입니다. 수학, 물리, 인공지능 이야기를 나눈 뒤 이 이 블로그에 내용을 정리합니다.

Ed Kim입니다

10년은 넘게 기계학습 및 인프라 구축하는 일을 하는 소프트웨어 엔지니어로 살고 있습니다.

아직도(2019년 기준) 딥러닝 붐이 한창이고, 관련 연구들이 며칠이 멀다하고 새로 발표되고 있어서 진정으로 cutting edge에 서 있는 불안함을 느끼고 있던 차에 마음의 평온을 찾는 법을 찾았답니다: 글쓰기

이 참에 머릿속에 있는 것을 정리해서 버릴 것은 버리고 새 지식을 넣을 공간을 좀 확보하렵니다.

저희 아이들한테 들려줄만한 수학 이야기들도 좀 실을 계획입니다. 저도 바쁘고 애들도 크다보니 같이 앉아서 수다를 떨 시간이 점점 줄어들더군요. 그 귀중한 짧은 시간에는 서로 이야기 나누고 밥을 먹어야지, 수학 강의하고 있을 수는 없는 노릇이고요. 대신에 아이들이 글로 정보를 받아들이는 걸 좋아해서, 수학 이야기를 수다 대신 그냥 글로 적기로 했습니다. 편한 시간에 읽겠죠.

이 블로그 부제목은 이렇습니다.

마음을 졸이던 김가 에드가 드디어 첨단 기술 앞에서 평온을 얻는 법을 찾았다네

Welcome to Ed on Edge ver. 5Why version 5? This is the fifth blog as I remember. 

I am a software engineer who has 10+ year’s experience on machine learning and infrastructure. This site is a kind of blog, and I will post some articles related to elementary math, machine learning, and some of my hobbies.

Cutting Edge

Working as a software engineer, especially as an ML engineer is tough. Everyday new tech emerges, and I need to learn everyday to keep up with the current tech trends. Recalling the flood of GANs in recent years, joining paper reading group was not enough to digest them. Interestingly, many of the new techs were volatile, and in a real industry, the old and proven ways of machine learning algorithm are still in use without problem. Therefore, learning new things becomes separated from working in real world, as a result, it takes twice of time to do both.

On Edge

So my mind was on edge, frequently nervous. I needed to find some way to rest, relax, and get relieved. Soon, I found a way: writing articles. I don’t know why, but writing calms my mind, gives me peace. So I decided to write something, especially about math and machine learning which will help me organize what I know and find missing pieces to understand this giant area.

For my Children

Yet, there was another reason to starting this blog.

As my children grow, they become busy by their own schedule. I’ve always dreamed of something like: I am working at home on my desk and my children are crafting with some boxes and blocks, reading books, and sometimes asking something to me in the same room. So peaceful :)

I wanted to give some fun facts of the math they learn in school, and it’s also my specialty to explain something to children. I was the top private teacher of math and science in my city, I started it when I was in 2nd year of high school while teaching 1st year students.

In reality, it’s even hard to find the time to meet and talk each other. So I need to utilize the precious time in talking about my children’s days and their emotions instead of explaining math.

However, I also realize that they enjoy reading some articles. So I decided to write the explanation, so that they can read on their convenience.

Yes I Found a Way to Relax

Yeah. I think I found a way. In this blog, I am going to write about elementary math (and all the math that needs to understand deep learning) to give some explanation on math to my children. Mostly they will be written in Korean, but if possible, I will provide English ones, too.

Also I will write some articles about machine learning to organize my brain to make a room to consume the new techs.

Ed on edge finally found a way to relax at the cutting edge

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Ed found a way to relax on the cutting edge.